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Femdom, teasing, castration, fear.

“Careful now, you know what happens if you cum!” As if I could forget, with teeth gently but steadily pressing around my sack.

I stared down the barrel of my own gun. One girl readied the trigger as the other loaded the ammo. One shot is all it would take – my last load would be the signal to disarm me for good.

The relentless tongue… the teasing fingers… the laughing eyes… the fear overwhelmed me, but so did the pleasure. I gasped and struggled, anticipation from the terror and ecstacy blending together.

Despair and orgasm overtook me. I felt the warmth splash on my face as I felt the ice shear through my balls. I saw my cock shooting, shooting, shooting, making its last stand even as it was flanked and gutted from behind. I moaned, unable to soften, pumping my final sacrifice of blood and semen to these goddesses of war and death.

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